Saturday, January 23, 2010

Winter Driving in the Country

It's been snowing a bit lately. That's fine with me because I love the long as it doesn't land on the roads. Unfortunately, I have no control over that. And even if I did, the wind would play its own little game and create some unsafe roads anyway.

We do have a good strong wind around here. It's part of living in this part of the state. That's fine, too, because I love the wind. I just don't like the wind blowing the shingles off the roof. That's not wind, that's trouble!

Anyway, when the wind blows the snow onto the roads around here, we end up with some pretty impressive drifts. I was headed to "town" today and had to navigate several drifts. I chose to drive around them since I was driving a minivan, not a truck. But there were some instances where I didn't have much choice and it was then I wasn't sure if it really was a minivan I was driving, or just a light-weight snow plow. I did get snow pretty high up into the air in some places. If I wasn't worried about flipping the van, I might have attacked some of the bigger drifts! (I guess there is some recklessness in me somewhere.)

I was driving on one particular road that was only bordered by wide open, dormant farm fields. With the wind blowing the snow across most of the road's surface and bright blue sky above me, it felt like I was driving in heaven! But snow drifts are bumpy and though I couldn't really see them under the wispy snow in motion, I sure could feel them as we bumped along the way. So much for my heaven analogy; I'm pretty sure heaven is a little easier on the axles.

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