Monday, January 11, 2010

Q: What's worse than a sick baby?

A: That would be when it's your own baby that's sick. Sarah is our sick baby. :(

Here is our sick girl Saturday night. Doesn't she look like she's miserable?

Her little head is so full of mucus, she's learned to breathe through her mouth. I'm quite expert with a bulb syringe, but even that is doing little to help her. I stayed home from church with her yesterday and only slipped over to church for choir practice (Chad and Joseph came home early for that).

We got little to no sleep last night as Sarah was miserable and unable to sleep well. It was a BAD night that ended way too soon. I need a nap. At least I have a chance to get one. I don't know what Chad's going to do. He says it's too cold to sleep under his desk (a running joke between us).

So we are having fun at our house. I will be really glad when all the kids are old enough to suffer through their colds without so much work and worry for the parents. Medicine always helps, too.

On to other topics:

It's been cold around here. It warms up, the snow melts a little and then it drops below zero. The kids recently discovered their own version of a slip 'n' slide: winter style. They entertained themselves a little while on Saturday. I got pictures and video and secretly hoped that their clothing was up for the challenge.

I braided the girls' hair Saturday night and this is what we ended up with for church. Poor Rebekah...her hair does not like to play nice. I hope she gets better results as she gets older. Leah's hair has always been the over-achiever type. I really like how it turned out. She brushed through it this morning, though so she's looking a little poufy.

I recently repaired a doll originally made by my grandmother over 20 years ago. My kids had loved it to the point that an arm came off. When I sat down to fix it, I just placed the arm in without checking the other side first. After I finished I noticed my idea of correct was different than the one my grandma had when she made the doll. Do you notice the difference?

Now I just look at this toy as a bridge between two different women. There is some touching symbolism in that doll somehow. I also think it looks like a windmill or a little fella getting ready to do a cartwheel. :) This your doll, Amber.

Remember that stocking board I mentioned a bit ago? We finally got it finished last night. I can check off my first thing on my Christmas list! What do you think?

Here is Sarah helping to show it off. She's not asleep even though it looks like she is (as was the trend last night).

And now I come to the end of this post. Sarah has made me a considerably slower typist this morning and she's come to the end of her willingness to sit at the computer. I am her personal slave until I can get her to sleep. (There is already one failed attempt about 20 minutes ago.) Ooh! It looks as though she may be succumbing to raw fatigue. Sadly enough, I know how she feels.
Keep us in your thoughts today. I wouldn't mind if you mentioned Sarah in a prayer. She's really not feeling well at all - poor girl.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Sarah! I hope she gets through this quickly.
    That Doll made me laugh so hard! THANKS!
    And Great Sign! I need to make one!
