Monday, January 18, 2010

Lurking Contest Winner

I have the results of the number generator. Only 9 of you were honest enough to admit you lurk. All five of Chad's sisters made themselves known. I know several of my readers are part timers and may not have checked in during the week.

I guess they are excused. But the rest of you (you know who you are) should at least say hello!

I have been considering bringing back the Mystery Pictures. Some of you may remember those. I haven't posted any in over two years, but I think of them on occasion. Maybe you'd like a chance to prove how smart you are in that area! I've been trying to decide if I want to do prizes for those, too. Too bad I'm not rich...that would actually make the prizes attractive.

Anyway, the winner of the delurking contest is #9...the last to comment...Melissa! :) Let me know which of my fabulous prizes you'd like most (so glad I didn't offer anything heavy).


  1. I am shocked. I never win anything. I'll let you know what I would like for my prize after I've taken time to register my good fortune.

  2. I am a lurker, for the most part, but I get around to reading so infrequently, that I couldn't even make myself known in time to be in the running for a prize. Better luck to me next time!

  3. Oh, man! I missed a lurking contest? Sorry--we were visiting grandmas and grandpas...
