Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Corn Maze

We went to a Corn Maze for FHE. The kids each took turns holding the flashlight and choosing which way to go. At the end, I got tired of wandering through the maze and led the way out. We spent over half an hour walking around in there. I think the kids had fun. I'm not sure what B thought.
I actually did some housework today. I cleaned both upstairs toilets and sinks. I had to stop at the floor because two little boys had made off with the "inside broom" and turned into an "outside broom." So I bought myself a new broom when I went grocery shopping this afternoon.
I'm very tired. Chad and I spent two hours preparing our lesson for Church next week. We didn't get to bed until nearly 1 AM after doing that, working with Rebekah and nursing Daniel through a cough that was keeping him awake. I didn't get a nap because I was grocery shopping. Maybe tomorrow.
Daniel stayed home from school today because of his cough. He goes back tomorrow. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

No rest for the wicked.

Rebekah has been sleeping all morning and afternoon. I don't anticipate a restfull night for any of us. It's already a quarter to 7 pm! Daniel has been coughing since last night. I don't think he'll be going to school unless it gets better before then. Chad took the boys camping on Friday night. We all went up at the beginning and then all the girls went home. (The smart ones.) They woke up to thick frost on everything. The tent was still frosty when Chad showed it to me at 10:30 that morning. I know that you don't get sick from being cold, but I can't help wondering if that didn't help Daniel anyway. At least Chad got his camping urge out of his blood. I don't think they could have waited another weekend. Chad and I get to teach the 5th Sunday lesson next Sunday. Scripture study. Should be interesting at the very least. We have read the material independently, but haven't discussed it together yet. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! Fall is in the air and the leaves are on the ground. Halloween celebrations start this weekend. I have to finish the boys' costumes by Friday or Saturday. They are going to be Batman and Robin, but I am making the costumes from scratch. It's challenging, but I enjoy it. I'm protected by the fact that they are 5 and 3 years old....they won't know if their costumes are a little pathetic.
My house seems to be in a suspended state of clutter. I can only get a room or two clean at a time. By then, the wrecking crews have returned and so has the clutter. I'm very frustrated about it all, but then I try to remind myself that this is what I wanted at this point in my life and hold on the hope that as the kids get older, the house will be easier to maintain.
And now the dinner timer is going off. Late dinners on Sunday.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I smell wallpaper paste.

It's nearly 9 PM. The boys and Rebekah are sleeping (why the heck aren't I?). Leah keeps crying from her room, but I figure it's better for both of us if I ignore her. I have spent my free moments (meaning Rebekah didn't demand my attention), stripping wallpaper in Chad's office. That was some ugly wallpaper! Most of it came off easily, but one (rather large) wall was quite a challenge. I think they pasted on pre-pasted wallpaper. I had to soak it repeatedly to get it off. I'm glad it was only one wall though. Now my hands are all dry and red. I smell like a combination of wallpaper paste and DIF.
Daniel went back to school today after a 2 week Potato Harvest break. It's amazing how much of my patience he required even though he was gone half the day! Leah and Nathan have discovered that they can fight. Lovely. Now I'll have 3 of them going at it at a time. That's when the phone will ring.
Chad has been in Las Vegas today, wooing clients and delivering pig meat. I wish he was here to woo me (minus the pig meat). All I really want is a good back rub and a sympathetic ear.
Now I need to go write Thank You notes for all the dinners that were brought in while I had my gall bladder adventure. I have dishes that need to be returned. I think I'll finish off the fruit cocktail (what I really want is chocolate cake and an enormous glass of whole milk).

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I think she's finally asleep!

It's after midnight and I'm typing one-handed while rocking Rebekah to sleep. She's six weeks old today (yesterday, I guess) and we still have blue eyes. Of course, we can only verify this after 11 PM each night when her eyes pop wide open. It's 12:12 AM now and she appears to be asleep. It's early for her, but I won't complain. Better put her (and myself) to bed.