Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

It's about 45 minutes before the new year arrives. And it's not only a new year, but a new decade. I've survived another year. Some days that seems to be a bigger miracle than others.

Currently, we are having our traditional marathon of games, snacks and fun while we wait for the clock to strike twelve. This year I'm having a hard time feeling the excitement. I've had an unfriendly headache most of the day. I was unable to catch a nap and now the headache is including my sinuses. I feel a pulsation in my nose as my head throbs. Happy stinkin' New Year!

So far tonight, we've painted sun catchers (Christmas presents), watched Marley and Me (not thrilled with the language in it or some of the situations...hoping my kids are too clueless to catch much, but that may be too naive of me), had some snacks (now my stomach is wondering if that was a good move), and Chad is now playing In A Pickle with the kids. I'm wondering how much of a party pooper I'd be if I snuck off to bed!

I tried to suggest that we call it a night, since most places are already in 2010, but the kids would have none of it. Even Daniel who was crying because his back hurt every time he coughed (who ever heard of that one?) wanted to wait until MST midnight.

Both Leah and Rebekah threw up tonight after a little coughing attack. Yuck. And they did it within an hour of each other. Fabulous. Sarah has started coughing again and her blocked tear duct is back as of her most recent illness. So I expect that ending the old year on a low note only means we have better things to look forward to in the new year.

I look forward to the coming year and all the memories it will leave for us as so many years have done before. I know not all memories will be pleasant ones, but I hope that they will all be seen as blessings in some form. I hope my regrets will be few and my accomplishments will be worthy. I pray that my family (near and far) will be healthy and at peace in their lives. And I hope that each day I will find that I have become a better person than the day before. (I hope you'll forgive me when you discover I didn't quite make it.)

So Happy New Year, everyone! When you find yourself passing through our little spot on the map, pause at our doorstep and let us welcome you in, even if just for a moment!


  1. I love your new header - it's quite fabulous! Haaaapy New Year (Showboat)!

  2. Happy New Year! I hope you got to sleep in!
