Monday, November 30, 2009

Three Months!

Our baby turned 3 months on Friday! She's growing into quite a chubby little body. And I love it. There are not many things that are better fat...paychecks and babies are exceptions.

This video was taken this morning. She's turned into quite the little talker and I was trying to capture it. Unfortunately, she was more interested in looking at me. I did get her talking a tiny bit, but nothing like she can when she's trying to keep herself from the pits of boredom.

I know I'm a little (OK...enormously) biased, but don't you think she's got an adorable smile? You may notice the bib. We've been drooling a little while now, but she's started soaking her clothes and it doesn't seem like a good thing when the weather is so cold.

I snapped this picture one afternoon when I saw Leah sitting on Joseph's bed with him on her lap. She was slowly rocking him and he was sitting very still. She's definitely got the Mommy gene! You'll notice how much of her lap he takes up. A true family bond...I love it!

OK...some of you still haven't seen my new hair. It's kind of hard to show. And I'm gritting my teeth to put a picture of myself on here. I just would rather have the image of myself that I keep in my head; it's a little kinder. This was right before bed, too. (I have a whole list of excuses for this photo.) I was trying to keep my 2nd chin out of the picture. I think I almost succeeded.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some cute pictures, including the one of you, Arlyn! I like the hair!
