Thursday, November 12, 2009

Well Done!

Not really. I spent some time baking today. I didn't have the greatest results. I was working on formatting pages to print my blog (more on that another time) and watching an ending eBay auction at the very time my 5 loaves of bread should have been coming out of the oven.

As it turned out, I lost the auction and now get to cut the crusts off my bread or pay to have the family's teeth capped. Those are some very dark brown loaves of bread.

But that experience wasn't enough for me.

It's Joseph's b-day on Friday and I was baking his cake. I started it too late, which is the real problem. It's a big cake pan and had two cake mixes in it. I needed to leave for a doctor's appointment and the cake was still very jiggly in the middle. So I turned the temp down to 300 degrees and left a note for Daniel to turn the oven off when he got home from school - 40 minutes from then.

I tried calling Daniel from the doctor's office. I was calling to him through the answering machine but had to hang up when he didn't pick up. He said he heard me but couldn't find me! When he checked the garage and saw that the van wasn't there, he figured he'd imagined it. I finally did get him to answer the phone a little after 4. I asked him if he'd turned off the oven. I should have taped the note to the front door or television, because he really had no chance of finding it otherwise. I told him how to turn off the oven and asked if anything smelled like it was burning. The very brown bread was still on the counter, so I'm sure things already smelled burnt anyway.

So the cake cooked for 45 minutes on 350 and 70 minutes on 300. It's not burned (I know...amazing), but it's a little dry on one side. Luckily, it's two cake mixes, so there will still be enough cake to eat.

Chad asked me tonight if I was going to do any baking tomorrow. I probably should have kicked him, but I just replied that I'd probably better not.

And the doctor appointment that we were rushing off to? Sarah and Rebekah had check-ups today. Sarah got 3 shots and an oral vaccine. Rebekah has been granted a stay until next year when she gets her Kindergarten shots. Sarah is 57% and 56% in her height and weight. Rebekah is 20% and 50%. That's better than their mother who's probably 20% and 95%. I'm trying, though. The scale was kind to me this morning. I hope I didn't ruin by eating too much crustless bread for lunch!

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