Monday, November 16, 2009


It must be like wearing a warm, comfy blanket, because my body does not want to shed any layers of fat. And I've got plenty to shed!

I WAS at 177.8 on Wednesday. I guess I should be grateful I had any loss at all since I was over 181 on Saturday morning.

It's hard to not eat the yummy stuff. When I can see the food, I can't see my rear. And when I do see my rear, all I see is the food I ate when I didn't need to. WEAK! I am weak!

It really does help to have the b-day cake in the garage. Not only is it out of sight and harder to get to, but it's frozen! It's hard to sneak a slice of hard-to-cut cake.

Let's hope this week is more successful. There are no birthdays this week.

I. Must. Drink. More. Water.


  1. You could do like Jennie Bush and run on the treadmill with a garbage bags duck taped around you!

  2. I'm so glad you posted on my blog, because I was wondering what in the heck had happened to you. The last post I had from you was on Oct. 9th. Good to know you're still blogging. I'll update my blog reader so I don't miss any fun stuff.
