Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sleep like a baby?

Don't you wish you could sleep in almost any position? Here is Sarah sleeping on Chad's lap the other night. She looks like she's comfortable. I wish I could sleep so well! Sarah is still waking every two hours if I put her in the bassinet. She sleeps double that, or more, if I put her in the swing. I'm hoping to switch her to the crib next month. So I'll just have a longer walk to get to her all through the night.

And here is Sarah this morning after Joseph took care of her. The purple and multi-colored blankets are his. Wasn't it a nice touch to give her the rabbit? She does seem appreciative as she's got her face tucked into it.

Luckily, Joseph hasn't tried to carry her like Rebekah did to him. That was a little heart attack that I don't wish to experience ever again. Good memories, though. :)

And that was where I was going to post a link to the story about Rebekah carrying Joseph, but I can't find it. Apparently, that was one of those times I blogged in my head, but not on the keyboard. So here is the story...just a couple of years late.

I was in the kitchen washing dishes or making dinner, or something that one normally does in the kitchen. Joseph, 2 weeks old, was back in my bedroom, sleeping in the bouncer. I asked 27-month-old Rebekah to go open my bedroom door so that I could hear the baby if he cried. She obediently ran down the hallway. About a minute later, I heard a tiny newborn whimper. I turned to see Rebekah holding Joseph, still in his blanket, around the shoulders and neck. I hurriedly half-dried my hands and grabbed Joseph. I moved swiftly, but calmly because I didn't want to startle her into dropping him. Then Rebekah said, "Heavy!"
This was the picture I got after that. I think I needed hard evidence that he'd lived through being carried all the way down the hall by a two-year-old. Up until that point, her only experience in carrying babies was carrying her dolls. And I'd seen what she did with those when she got tired of them!

Anyway, that's the story. I had a mild heart attack then, but now it's just a funny story. I still laugh to think of her saying, "Heavy!" He was heavy to a little girl like her!

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