Thursday, November 05, 2009

Down in the dumps

There are few things in the world of mothering that are more tiring than have sick kids. Having YOUNG sick kids is worse.

Joseph is not feeling well and his nose is constantly oozing. The only thing I can't do while wiping his nose is take a shower. I think I've done everything else. He comes up to me, pointing to his nose, saying, "uh, uh." And the coughing is getting Sarah sick. I can hear her nose start to fill up. Great. I just started getting her to sleep in the bassinet again. I expect we'll be back in the swing before the new week begins.

Normally, this would be challenging enough. But I'm running on reduced sleep rations and really only want to get a nice, uninterrupted nap. The night before last, I didn't see the clock during the 11 pm, 3 am and 5 am hours (Joseph came in crying at 6:00). I saw it every other time. Last night wasn't quite as bad...I only woke 3 times before I really had to get out of bed.

Such sporadic sleep opens the door for really interesting dreams. Two nights ago, I dreamt the entire plot for a mystery novel. I was sure I could remember it, and was recalling it during one feeding time. But once the sun came up, it was gone. A literary wonder the world will never know.

So now that I'm so tired (physically and emotionally), I have no desire to clean the house. This is unfortunate, because things are piling up around here. No one else seems to care, so things get worse and my guilt meter rises.

And getting my kids to care requires serious bribing/threatening. That's tiring, too! We didn't get to have prayer this morning because the boys couldn't move their incredibly lazy rear ends fast enough. Daniel ran onto the bus with his coat, backpack and scout shirt in his hands. Grr.. Sometimes I just want to squeeze that boy! More guilt.

Daniel has a TMJ check-up today. I'm taking everyone but Nathan with me (since he'll still be in school) for a 35 min drive on the freeway, each way, because I didn't know who to call to come sit in my house for two hours and didn't want to burden anyone with a sick and cranky Joseph. I guess we'll sit in the van and watch a movie or something while I send Daniel in. Maybe I can get the doctor to talk to me at the back door so I can stay in the parking lot with the kids? Are things supposed to get this tricky?

I got the bill for taking Rebekah to the Dr. to pull the cactus needles...$183. Wow. He's thinking he's a little more skilled with those tweezers than I observed! We'd better make sure to use the free ice cream coupons he gave us. I want to get my money's worth!

And so when the FOP called this morning (Fraternal Order of Police) I hung up on them. That was free.

Now, between feeling sorry for myself and just being in a sorry state, it's a regular fun-fest around here! Woo hoo!


  1. I would take your kids if I wasnt feeling crappy today myself. I hope it all goes good. Maybe you can nap when you send Daniel in to the dr and the kids watch the movie!

  2. I want to be somewhere other than home. The walls are closing in after a week of staying in. I here ya on Down in the Dumps. If I could get myself to do my hair and makeup I would go to to town without the kids but don't want to do that instead I am tackling on of my PILES ;)! FUN!
    See ya tomorrow.
