Saturday, November 07, 2009

More medical fun

This was Joseph all this week...sick. He had a fever in this picture and Chad wrapped him up in his blanket. Joseph actually stayed where he was put! Do you like his little slippers poking out? :)

After a week of every-other-day fevers and non-stop coughing (no joke) last night, I made a trip to the nearest open medical clinic. Joseph's left ear and throat are nice and red. We got cough medicine and an antibiotic. And as I so rarely get to report, the cough medicine is working! He's sleeping now and he's quiet! This means we'll get more sleep tonight. Ahh...bliss. Oh yeah, I don't get more sleep, just less worry. Chad is the one that gets more sleep.

I skipped my nap today to take the kids (minus Joseph) shopping. I was buying groceries and doing some shopping for Joseph's b-day next week. (He's going to be 2! He weighs all of 21 pounds, and he's not talking, but he's going to be 2!) It was not a good idea for me to take 5 kids shopping (Chad had stayed home with Joseph so they could both get naps.) on a Saturday, after a week of mothering. I had no patience and I was not a nice person. But, too be fair, my kids weren't nice either. They can't talk to each other without fighting, and Leah only talks to people - her parents included - with an air of disgust and impatience. Still trying to figure out how to stop that little problem.

Anyway, we survived, though some of us lost weight through our tear ducts. (I wish that could really happen.) We got home, I fed Sarah and then put Joseph in the van and headed back out again. At least everyone got to go somewhere.

I gave Sarah a bath tonight. As I was looking at her little naked baby body, I was amazed at how chubby she's gotten. She's more than half of Joseph's weight and is only 10 weeks old. She takes after her mommy! But check out this picture...even I have ankles! So very cute.

And here she is two nights ago. She's supposed to be going to sleep. Can you tell?

Lastly, here is proof that I do spend time with my kids. Chad snuck a picture while I was reading them a book. There is Sarah - drooling all over my arm. (No wonder she doesn't fall asleep at bedtime!) You can see (kind of) my haircut and perm.

My hair is naturally straight and very resistant to perms. You're seeing the curly part. The straight part is pulled up out of the way. I'm not quite ready to give up on this new 'do', but I have to do something as the haircut wasn't meant to have some straight hairs falling across the curly ones. *sigh* Nothing is easy.

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