Monday, May 12, 2008


Daniel is having a spell-a-thon at school this week. They are earning money to improve the playground equipment at school. He has 20 words to study and is collecting pledges. His test is on Thursday and he is to collect for every word he spells correctly. ($0.10 x 20 words = $2.00)

If any of you would like to pledge, you are welcome to do so. I will keep track of any pledges. PLEASE don't feel like I'm asking you to do this. It's strictly up to you.

As we really don't have any neighbors or relatives close, I'm soliciting for him through cyberspace. What a crazy thing the internet is!


  1. I am up for it. I pledge $0.10 per word. GOOD LUCK Daniel!

  2. WOOHOO, Kristy! He was practicing this morning. :)

  3. We will each make a pledge, One for grandma and one for grandpa. GOOD LUCK DANIEL!!!

  4. Count us in, all six of us will make a pledge......get to work on those spelling words Daniel!

  5. Wow, what a neat thing to encourage. Good luck Daniel!!

    If you have Paypal I'd be happy to donate. Just email me if so.

  6. Wow! Thanks to everyone for pledging! Daniel will be excited! Let me know what your pledges are and I'll write them on his form. (I do have a PayPal account under collett73 at myway dot com if that helps any of you.)
