Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Fighting eczema

My friend, Kristi, mentioned: Jonathan is getting some dry/chapped skin spots on his back. Maybe it is Eczema?

Believe it or not, I even have a suggestion for that! Only because we're currently dealing with dry, scaly spots on our skin here.

Become your own little pharmacist and mix one part Cetaphil lotion or cream with one part 1% hydrocortisone cream. Rub it into the dry spots. It can be used on the face, but should be used sparingly because it (hydrocortisone) thins the skin. Both the Cetaphil and hydrocortisone are found over the counter. You can even get the Cetaphil at Sam's Club and it is a great moisturizing lotion to have on hand - use it on your kids when they get out of the tub.


  1. i'll have to try that- my 2 yr old gets i ton the back sof his knees we usually do triple cream and vaseline all winter

  2. Kaitlyn has eczema and soriasis. She is on prescription medication for it and it works wonders! Elidel is for eczema. I hate having to deal with it though.

  3. Good to know. I'll have to try that. Thanks for the info. You are the Queen of all Good advice. How did I get so lucky? :)
