Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Baby Must-Haves

There are many baby products on the market and I'm sure many of them are useful. I am a little suspicious though and don't like to buy many new things without trying them out or hearing a good recommendation. For those of you like myself, I have a couple of good recommendations.

You've already read my recommendation for the baby swing. Refresh your memory here.

I would like to suggest the next two items as necessities.

First is Aquaphor oinment. It's made by Eucerin. It's kind of like suped up petroleum jelly. I have been using it since Daniel was a baby and have been recommending it since then. It clears up diaper rash nearly overnight and seems to be less irritating to broken skin. It also works wonders on chapped skin of any age. It's not cheap (approx. $8 a tube), but worth the price. Buy at least two so you can keep one at home and one in the diaper bag. I use it often on Rebekah since she scratches herself to the point of bleeding. Curse her dry skin!
Find it at Wal-Mart and Walgreens and most pharmacies.

Second is Hyland's Teething Tablets. These are little white, dissolvable pills. They relieve teething pain almost immediately and are homeopathic. Since they are all natural, you don't have to worry about overdosing. This is very lucky for us, because Daniel, Nathan and Leah all helped themselves to the bottles I had around for the current babies. I've just started using them for Joseph (yes, we've entered that stage...yes, it's going to be miserable for a while) and I'm sure that Rebekah will find the little bottle eventually. That's just how she operates! The bottles come in different pill counts, but expect to spend $5-7 for a bottle. I'm about to pick up a second bottle for the diaper bag. Find these in pharmacies as well.
*I did try Orajel teething medicine for Daniel and found that it just slipped right off his gums and wasn't very effective. I've never gone back.


  1. We, too, used the Hyland's teething tablets for our kids, and found they worked great, also!

    I've used their headache formula with varying success...

  2. I am so glad that you have recomendations. I sure will need them!

  3. I can never tell a difference with the Hylands. I still use them, because maybe it would be a whole lot worse if I didn't? Who knows. I will try that stuff though. Jonathan is getting some dry/chapped skin spots on his back. Maybe it is Eczema? Have no idea. Thanks for the info though.

  4. I haven't heard of Aquaphor before {hey that rhymes! hehe...it's early, leave me alone}
    I'm interested in trying it out. I use Bag Balm.. Ya now that cow cream in the square, green, tin can? I love that junk on my kids trunk! {I'm high from no sleep. Excuse this crazy lady}

    And I love the said teething tablets, too. Good choice. :)
