Thursday, May 15, 2008

Daniel's Fundraiser

Daniel got 18 of his 20 words right in his Spell-a-thon today! He earned just under $35 for the school's playground. (I'll be tightening the thumb screws on you all to pay up on your pledges!)


  1. Do you guys have an account with Paypal? If so I'd be happy to send money your way for a donation. Let me know!

    GREAT job, Daniel!

  2. I am so proud of him. I hope they actually get to buy something for their playground. I when do you need the money? I may have to mail it. Unless you are going out and collecting?

  3. Thanks for the offer Autumn, but it's really OK. I think it's neat that you're willing to support him!

    Now, if you just wanted to pad my PayPal account, I'll accept your hard-earned money! :D

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love new friends! Looks like your family is really cute!
    My in-laws live in Taylorsville and I live just west of there in West Valley. We kind of live on the border of all the cities. Kearns, West Valley, Taylorsville.
    Your header is very cool. I'm new to this blogging thing and still trying to figure out all the cool things to do. I also put my housework aside on many occasions and sit and blog instead. But having OCD I know that eventually the house will be cleaned that day. I too am looking forward to the day that the kids realize that they can help and it's ok. LOL
    Sorry for the book...I'm a chatty girl. Love your blog.
