Friday, May 09, 2008

My Mother's Day flower

Nathan brought a tiny flower in a tiny pot home for me from school today. He was very happy in his presentation of it to me. Leah was pretty interested, too.

A couple of minutes after being home, Nathan decided that he wanted to put it in my room. Leah wanted to watch. WELL! Nathan did not want to be followed! I told him she just wanted to watch him and look at the flower. He was OK with her watching, but NOT following him. There was a bit of a scene. I explained that it was going to be hard for her to watch if she didn't follow him.

Of course, I am a problem solver extraordinaire and suggested that Leah go into the bedroom first and then Nathan could follow HER. She went into the bedroom and he then proceeded to finish his task. (Please picture me rolling my eyes.)

And so I would like to thank Nathan's kindergarten teacher for the Mother's Day Fight...I mean Flower.


  1. This is hilarious! Kids get all irritated over the most idiotic things. What a good way to problem solve. I probably would have gotten rid of the flower to take care of the problem. Your solution is much better.

  2. Kristi, because you gave birth to the perfect child and he didn't have a sibling follow for the next 7 1/2 years, you have not had the intense and constant training in dealing with fighting among siblings that I have been subjected to. This means that you are a WAY NICER Mommy than I'll ever be! They've broken me!

  3. I got a great laugh! Thanks! {:-)

  4. That's true. You have been in a constant battle zone for years. Thus, your problem solving skills are quite advanced. You should teach a "Problem Solving 101" crash course for all of us. Who knew that parenting would be so taxing on the brain? :)

  5. That's pretty funny. It's experiences like those that make me grateful I get a Happy Aunt's Day instead - I'm not a good enough person to be a mother yet.
