Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The Collett farm is growing. Here is the current head count on our livestock... 1 dog, 2 rabbits, 4 cats, 2 lambs, 15 chicks, untold numbers of mice, and 5 kids (I don't mean goats). *GASP* Did I just include my children in the livestock count? Yes. They are more work than the rest of them combined!

Some of you are saying, huh? Lambs and chicks? We've had few new additions this week. Chad's brother-in-law brought down some lambs on Monday and we picked up the chicks on Tuesday. They are all in the garage which is turning into quite a nursery!
The kids are loving the chicks, as you can see in the photos.

Chad is putting a foot into my world with feeding the lambs. He's been getting up in the middle of the night for a feeding, but said he's not doing that anymore - he's not cut out to be a mother. I only wish I had that option!

Speaking of lambs, my little lamb turned 6 months old yesterday. (Can you see him in this picture?) How did that happen? This means it's been over 6 months since I slept through the night. Do you remember the school days when you set your alarm before turning off the light only to have it go off 15 minutes later (or so it seemed)? That was some solid sleep! I wouldn't be able to do that without sedation. I'm talking something much stronger that Unisom. And just try to get a nap during the day. Even the days I PLAN to take a nap are ultimately sabotaged. It's no rest for the weary around here!


  1. E-I-E-I-Oh. My. Word. I don't know what to say about all these animals. Wow...I am speechless. And we all know how rare that is. :)

  2. Your kids are going to have a LOT of fun this summer with all thier animals. I can not believe that it has been 6 months since your baby was born! I am starting to understand the sleep issue. I dont even have a baby in the house yet, and I need 3 naps a day now.

  3. Great!! More things I'm probably allergic to. Just to rub it in, my 4 week old is sleeping through the night....hee hee hee.

  4. And on the Collett farm they had a...

    COW! Oh, my goodness, I'm having a cow! Sheesh, girl! Isn't 5 short PEOPLE enough for you? I can barely keep up with mine. If you can hold down a house AND a farm... then you're my new hero!

    But what fun it is, too!
