Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ix-nay on the ice-ray

Joseph does NOT like rice cereal. He's 6 months old. Time to start eating at the table sometimes. I've waited this long because Nathan did not adjust well to rice cereal 6 years ago. Now I'm a little reluctant to force new foods down my babies' throats.

But it appears that is the only way I'm going to get it into Joseph. We tried cereal made with water. That was a big NO! He cried and hollered, but didn't swallow. So I tried it with breast milk. That was a little better. He only whimpered, but still didn't swallow.

I learned that the kittens love it though. They were helping themselves to the forgot cereal bowl on the table this afternoon. Funny. I wasn't thinking I'd be feeding kittens when I pumped that milk 2 months ago.

So we're going to have a bit of a battle on our hands. Joseph is proving to be every bit as hard headed as his siblings. Why would it get any easier now? We already know what we signed up for, right? I did pick up some oatmeal cereal, apple puree and sweet potato puree in the baby food aisle today. We'll slowly offer him other things in an attempt to appeal to his sensitive palate. I'm not cruel, though. I won't make him eat green beans.


  1. Poor kid. He is to young not to like food! The kittens get that from their mother. She would come running when I would get cold cereol out. She would sit by my feet waiting to lick the bowl afterwords. The kittens started following her when they got older. SORRY.

  2. You and green beans. I have to say that Jonathan doesn't like green beans either. He'll eat the peas, but green beans are not for him. Keep at it with the cereal. Pediatrician says it takes 15-20 times introducing before they can learn to like it. Fun for you. Nathan didn't like the rice cereal either. Took him a while.

  3. I started Elijah with vegetables and waited 3-4 months to add the cereals. He accepted them without a fight then. I don't know if it was just him, but after all the cereal spitting my first two did, I'm sold on the veggie first plan.
