Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Who spoiled our cat?

We have 10 cats if you count the 6 kittens. (Anyone ready to adopt?) Our oldest resident came to us with a companion that ended up needing to be put down. That would probably be the only way we would have adopted a 3-legged cat!

At first we let her be an inside cat, but I just couldn't take the fur on the bed, wet paw prints and hairball vomit. She's been with us for more than a year now and has managed to avoid the dangers of the great countryside. She's not a real social cat, unless you're human. She doesn't seem to like the other cats and keeps herself aloof.

Recently, she disappeared for about a week. I'm not sure exactly how long it was, but it was her longest stint so far. We figured she'd had an accident or something and didn't expect her back. She came back.

Suddenly, she's at the door a lot more, trying to get in. She's at the side windows meowing. (That sounds like whining and anyone who knows me knows that's not good.) So I want to know...who had our cat that whole time and spoiled her? Why does she think she should be allowed in again? Do you want her back? (Or did you try to adopt her and found out she has a hairball problem?)

Her "princess" behavior is rubbing off on another cat that used to be allowed inside and he's now camping out by the door more often, too. I'm less willing to send him away because he's a good mouser. But every time those furry creatures zip through the front door, I grit my teeth and feel my blood pressure rise. I hate them in the house. (He gets hairballs, too.)

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