Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I've mentioned before that we have a little problem with earwigs this year. Actually, every year we have a little problem. This year we have a Gigantic problem.

Most of the babies have matured and we rarely see any tiny ones any more. The house is really is crawling with earwigs. I saw one making its way across the living room carpet yesterday and had a fleeting thought I should get the vacuum. It's a big vacuum and such a little critter. Plus, I'm really not feeling all that quick. So I walked away from the whole situation.

But you'll never guess where I found one of those little stinkers yesterday. Well, maybe you already guessed by the post title. Yep. In the freezer. I figured that's the "top" of the bottom. When you have earwigs showing up in your top freezer of your kitchen refrigerator, you know you've really made it. I wondered how it got in there and considered that it was another one of Daniel's freezer experiments. Then I realized that if Daniel had had anything to do with it, the thing would have been in a bowl of water, not just sitting there all alone. It must have been on a package we stuck in there or on top when the door was opened. Regardless, it's still there. At least that's one that won't sneak away from me!

1 comment:

  1. We've had a little problem with earwigs ourself. But, not nearly as intense as yours. :) I sure hate those little bugs...
