Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Less than 24 hours!

The baby will be here soon! I expect it to be born by 8 AM tomorrow morning (or very close). By this time tomorrow, I should be lying in recovery...pleasantly drugged, getting my first real sleep. Or I could be awake a nursing a baby while flat on my back like I did with Joseph. Each situation seems to have its differences.

This morning I have already baked Rebekah's b-day cake (for Sunday) and put the bassinet together. A load of laundry is running and I have a few errands to run. We did a bunch of cleaning last night (I went to be weighing less than I weighed that morning!) and there is just a bit left to do. I have to remember to water the plants. I want to change the sheets on the bed. Somewhere in there I hope to get a nap, though I haven't been able to fall asleep during nap time for the past week. I have a book to read, but may end up taking that to the hospital.

Daniel has pack meeting tonight and will get his first red bead toward his Bear rank (it's really MY bead.) Chad has a PPI with the Stake President while we're there.

My mom will be here this afternoon. I have to wake up around 4 AM to leave by 5 and arrive at the hospital by 5:30.

And there is my "to do" list. Thanks for reading along. :)


  1. Good luck! I'm so excited for you. I hope everything goes smoothly. Post pictures as soon as you can (like maybe in January?) :-)

  2. WHOO HOO!! I am so excited! I cant wait to come and see you! I hope you can relax while at the hospital. just leave a to do list for your husband, then you can come home to the clean house.

  3. Halla-freakin-lujah! Good luck girl...enjoy that hospital time...the only time you'll be somewhat alone for a long, long, LONG while. :)
