Thursday, August 20, 2009

A week from today!

Exactly one week from now, I'll be laying in a hospital bed, pleasantly sedated and many pounds lighter! I'll be a mother of 6! (Though not likely any more responsible.)

I'm looking forward to next Thursday for the obvious "new baby" reasons and also because there are so many crazy things going on with me that I want this pregnancy over! I think my body is saying that it's done having this experience as so many new afflictions have come over me. Nothing has been serious (as far as makes a doctor concerned), but I've noticed a big difference between this pregnancy and the first 5.

Now on to the next stage of my life...raising the children to adulthood!


  1. I have the same feeling about moving on to the next stage and being done with being pregnant. I hope everything goes well next week!

  2. HURRY and take a picture of your big belly before "labor day". You won't have another chance!!
