Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Who broke my baby?

Joseph had a rocky night. There's something bothering him, rendering him unable to sleep. I lost track of how many times I nursed him. Even now, I'm typing one-handed. He doesn't want to be put down. I usually try to find a time to exercise in the morning. Today I will just be trying to find a time to shower!

He's still coughing a bit and sneezing. I hope everyone is feeling super-charged and ailment-free soon. Rebekah didn't eat dinner last night and made that same whimpering sound that usually accompanies throwing up. Thankfully, THAT didn't happen!

I'm trying to ignore the slightly sore throat I have. Maybe it will go away if I pretend it's not there.

**A special Thank You to Chad who spent more time with Joseph than with his pillow last night. I was feeling guilty, but not enough to stay awake for very long!

1 comment:

  1. Allergies too, maybe?

    If it's one thing it's another around here.

    What a knight {night} in shining armor {or pj's} your Chad is for helping out during the wee hours of the morn. ;)
