Sunday, March 02, 2008

Miniature High Priests

Daniel and Nathan looked like miniature High Priests today as they dozed in Sacrament Meeting.

First Daniel started agreeing with everything the speaker was saying. I thought that was so awesome that he was paying attention with such reverence! Then I noticed that his eyes were opening and shutting in slow motion. Uh oh...that looks like sleepy. I teased him about it and he perked up for a bit.

Next, I noticed Nathan was sitting up, but with his head resting on his shoulder and his eyes not even trying to stay open. What skill! He's got the High Priests beat with that maneuver! Of course, all the H.P.s I know are taller than the back of the bench, so their heads roll around much easier.

The next time I glanced at Daniel, he'd made a buttress with his leg and had his elbow propped up on his knee with his hand holding up his head. You can tell his Daddy is a structural engineer! Yes, he was sleeping.

I'd given all 4 kids prescription cough medicine so the people at church wouldn't cringe every time one them hacked. Who knows if they cringed or not. At least the boys were reverent/comatose. It was actually kind of amusing until Daniel just plain gave up the fight and put his head right down on the bench. A High Priest would never do that, short of a medical emergency. So I made him sit next to me and I held him up. I hope they got enough sleep to make it through Primary!

No one has had a fever since Thursday. Leah and Joseph never had one. The coughing is still bad, but the runny noses are better. Joseph no longer sounds like he's choking to death during the night...just gagging occasionally. He's very good at blowing bubbles out of his nose. (We're trying to break him of that habit.)

Mommy and Daddy avoided this one. We look forward to the next challenge.


  1. It sounds like everyone is starting to feel better... What a relief for you!!!! As for sleeping in church, I'd rather have the kids sleep than fight!

  2. Some days it is nice to have them quiet and sleep in Church. But then mine wont go to primary they are so tired. I hope we all are getting better and will stay that way. The weather changing may help!

  3. Cute post, Arlyn! I got a good laugh. hahaha

  4. That was the funniest thing I've read in awhile! You need to write a book.
