Friday, March 07, 2008

Dear Mommy/Dear Joseph

Dear Mommy,

I will be 4 months old next week! Thank you for helping me through this momentous time. I admit that last week's cold was a bit rough on me, but you worked hard to keep my nose cleared out and comforted me when I coughed so hard. I don't have any words yet to tell you how I feel, but I think you know. Maybe my big smiles will convey just a part of my thanks.

You have been doing a great job at feeding me. I can feel more rolls on my arms and legs now. And don't you think my big cheeks and double chin are deadly weapons? I think I am getting quite handsome!

I don't know why I am so hungry at night. Maybe I am dreaming of food (and everyone knows about the power of suggestion)! It seems like I have to eat every 4 or 5 hours! You probably don't like to have to wake up so many times at night. I am sorry to cry so often, but when you don't pick me up right away it seems to get a little worse. I guess I am just immature that way.

At least you don't lose too much sleep while I'm nursing. I'm just glad you don't drop me out of bed when you fall asleep. (And Daddy doesn't lose too much sleep, either. Have you heard that loud humming sound he makes?)

I promise to start sleeping through the night soon. It shouldn't take me more than 7 or 8 more months. You'll probably be really thankful for that, since my big sisters still don't sleep through the night. Are they still getting hungry at night, too?

I am very happy here in this family. Everyone is so nice to me and gets close to talk to me. Rebekah's voice goes nice and high, just the way I like it. Leah is holding me a lot so I smile at her to say, "I love you". Nathan talks to me when you can't help me right away and Daniel is so careful when he picks me up. You and Daddy hold me up high where I get such a good view of everything.

I love my family.

Love, Joseph

Dear Joseph,

You are going to be 4 months old next week! I can't believe how fast you've grown! How do you like life so far? That cold all the kids got last week was pretty bad and I felt so sorry that I couldn't give you any cough medicine. I used to hear you coughing and choking at night and wondered if you could breathe at all. But now you just cough a little every now and then. I'm glad you made it through OK! When you give me big smiles despite feeling so yucky, I think you must be a very special little boy.

And being sick didn't slow you down too much. You have become much chubbier lately. Your cheeks are filling out just like your brothers' and sisters' did. You are definitely one of us! You are going to have all the babysitting-aged girls at church swooning all over you before too long!

If I could ask for one favor from you, it would be to sleep longer at night. I wish you could go longer than 2-3 hours between feedings. I try to ignore you, but then you just cry louder and harder. It's so hard to feel rested when I have to interrupt my sleep so often. Luckily, I have a nursing pillow to help keep you in my lap. Otherwise, I'm not sure you wouldn't have fallen to the floor during the times I fall asleep sitting up! Your tummy is supposed to make it all through the night at six months old. That's only 2 months away. Are we going to make it?

Between you and and yours sisters, Daddy and I are a bit sleep deprived. That will be our excuse for all the parenting mistakes we make.

I have enjoyed watching everyone in the family as they interact with you. You are a very special person in this family! Rebekah now thinks every cute baby she sees is named Joseph. Leah only wants to hold you all day. Nathan has been put under your spell and engages you in conversation daily. Daniel is so tender when he picks you up. (It's nice to see that side of a hyper 7 year old!) Daddy is your best bud and holds you all through dinner and whenever I need a break. He changes LOTS of your diapers!

I hope you will someday understand how much we love you!

Love, Mommy


  1. I Love your letters! He will love them to someday. You have to print them out so you dont loose them.

  2. So sweet! :)

    I agree with have to print them off.
