Thursday, March 20, 2008


I've been putting off blogging for the past week because I knew I was hitting my 300th post and I didn't want to celebrate with, "Rebekah is finally potty-trained!" Incidentally, that's true and I shouldn't gloss over such an important announcement!

Truthfully (because you wouldn't really expect me to lie, right?), I haven't had a ton of time to sit and reflect on the past two and a half years of blogging that have brought me to this momentous milestone. Even now I'm not sure I have a ton of time, but if I can just ignore everyone long enough, I should be able to squeeze in some typing.

As I have mentioned before, my first post was in the wee hours of an October morning while I held a tiny Rebekah - not even 6 weeks old. Now that tiny person has grown into a big girl who dresses herself (only on mornings when I don't need to take her out in public), doesn't have to wear diapers anymore and talks to the new tiny baby in a high, squealing voice. She likes to be involved in my decisions and often starts sentences with, "Maybe you should..."

I've really enjoyed my experience as a blogger. I've met a few new people this way and become closer to others. I get a lot of satisfaction from expressing myself and using my computer (to which I'm addicted) as a way to be creative. I've really appreciated the positive remarks so many people have shared with me about my writing. It's always been something I've enjoyed and maybe some day I'll do something more with it. Maybe I'll print up all my posts and present them to my children when they start having parenting struggles similar to the ones I've recorded. Then they will be so much more grateful that I didn't murder them in their sleep! ;) Look for my memoir on eBay in about 40 years. It will probably be an ebook!

It took just over one year for me to reach my 100th post. Nine months later I hit 200. Now, 8 more months have passed and I'm to 300. I have an unofficial goal (unofficial goals are handy so that if you don't accomplish your task, you don't actually fail) to record my 500th post within a year from now.

And as Joseph starts to call for me, I reach an end of my historical post. I can't help but think that I meant for this one to be a little more poetic and inspiring than it turned out. Unfortunately, I'm a little tired (not getting a whole lot of sleep lately) and to be honest - my fingernails need to be trimmed and are making it hard to type efficiently.

P.S. Spell check is down again. I hope everything was spelled correctly.

P.P.S. Why am I getting a Spanish language sign in page for Blogger? Did I sign something without reading the fine print?


  1. YEA!!!! 300!!! I am so happy to read your 300th post! I love your blog. I can't write like you. And I tend to learn new words from your blog. Thank you for blogging about your family life, it makes mine so much bareable. Keep it up! I will be here watching for 301!

  2. Wow! That is a lot of posts!!! I do enjoy reading them, they make me laugh and realize that I'm not the only one with a crazy life with kids doing crazy things.
    P.S. - For some reason, I have also been getting weird Spanish stuff on Blogger and Google (Google Peru, I think) I thought my kids must have messed with my settings, but I can't figure it all out. Sometimes it's in English, other times it's in Spanish!!!

  3. Congrats, Arlyn! When I first read the title, I thought you would be discussing some movie that just went to DVD by the same title. Then I realized that was the movie my coworker said had no real plot, was historically inaccurate, and yet had lots of guys with nice bare chests. So, I figured you probably hadn't seen it. Your post was much more exciting, anyway.

  4. Happy 300!! I'm glad you're blogging, of course I think everyone should have a blog, it makes it easier to keep up with people that way!
