Saturday, March 29, 2008

Word Play

Nathan recently had these two conversations with Chad and me. I think they were only a day or two apart.

Nathan: "Mommy, is green a secondary color?"
Me: "Yep."
N: "I know what red, yellow and blue are called."
Me: "Primary colors?"
N: "No. Firstdary colors."

Nathan knew they were really called primary colors, but he was making his own little joke.

A day or so later, Chad was giving the kids a lunch of grapes, bread, cheese and milk. They were mentioning all the food groups that were present: fruit, grain and dairy. Then Nathan pipes up with, "Grapes are fruit, bread is grain and milk and cheese are secondairy!"

What a little character!


  1. That is so funny. Sounds like you have you very own stand-up comedian!!!

  2. That is a good one! I wish my kids were that creative.
