Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I am, but I control it much better these days. Those who knew me as a teenager may remember a fiestier Arlyn. (Did I just make up a word again?) Anyhow, I rarely engage in debate and often flip the channel if the topic become too heated. I don't like the agitation I feel when people start arguing. As soon as my children start to fight, my blood pressure shoots up. I don't watch Judge Judy for that reason. She personifies agitation.

Anyway, I preface with that and then turn around and start sharing my opinion. I just can't hold it in this time. The following are my own opinions, not forced upon me by others and are not secretly the things that someone else wanted to say but were too chicken. Some people my think my opinions are naive. I wish the world was a little more naive. There's too much garbage out there that is making this world a harder place to live in.

First off - a topic from the Today show this morning. Geraldine Ferraro made a statement that Obama has gotten where he is because he's a black man. I don't think she's too far off the mark. I don't credit or discredit any of Sen. Obama's skills/promises/actions. I do think that he's getting many of his votes because the country is now at a place where they are willing to vote for a black man and are doing it. Some may be doing it to prove that they are not racist. Some may be doing it because they think that it's a way to show support to the black community. I realize that many are supporting him blindly - they don't see color, just the candidate. Either way, I don't really care. I think some grown ups are looking for something to fight about. When I look at Sen. Clinton, I see another minority. I think many people are supporting her because she's a woman. She's in a very similar situation to Obama. I wouldn't be surprised if an openly gay man or woman ran and got votes. It seems to be the time to prove that you're not biased and put a minority in the spotlight. On the other hand, I'm not surprised that Gov. Romney had to step aside for the time. The country isn't THAT ready to put aside biases! Ideally, I wouldn't like to see any of these candidates in office. I wish that this world could put it's arms around each other and take care of whatever needs arise. You have a skill, I have a different skill. Let's use them for good, not gain and get our payment in ways that don't necessarily pad our bank accounts. A naive goal? Maybe to some. I think the world just isn't ready to grow up and get along so nicely.

A second thing - also from the Today show. Twenty-five percent of America's teenage girls, ages 14-19 have an STD. One in four! Starting with age 14!! I saw a Dr. Phil show a week or so ago that was debating condoms in school/sex education/etc. One "expert" claimed that it was more successful in battling teen pregnancy to distribute condoms without the parents' knowledge! She says the numbers have already proved it. The teens do better with knowing their actions are kept confidential from their parents! HELLO! How badly are we failing our children if they feel more comfortable talking to a guidance counselor at school than a parent at home? How do we even consider letting the schools educate our children about sex? When did we just start offering our homes as beds and breakfasts instead as a place to bond, teach and rear our children? Sex isn't a rite of passage. It's a means of creating life, granted by God! We don't make it SAFE, we make it honorable and responsible. One girl on the show (Dr. Phil) complained that if condoms had been available at her school, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant at 13 years of age. So now she's not responsible for her actions...the grown ups are. And the term "grown up" should not be used lightly. I can't believe how things are falling apart with our young people and we just shake our heads in wonder and confusion and blame it on someone else.

I have another "bee in my bonnet" or two, but I'll spare you. These are my opinions. You don't have to agree. I expect many people don't. I don't want to start a debate here. If you have your own opinion, share it in your own blog. Now you don't have to wonder what I think about those two topics!

I feel better. :)


  1. I totally agree with you on your opinions. I wish I had more time to actually put my opinions out there. Maybe one day when life slows down.

  2. And I WAS wondering what you thought about THOSE topics, so thank you for finally coming out with it! :) I would have to say I agree with you, so thank you for putting it so nicely! Kelly

  3. Wow! Sometimes you do just need to let things out, and I happen to agree with you .... on both accounts!

  4. "Sex isn't a rite of passage. It's a means of creating life, granted by God!"- What an awesome thing to write, Arlyn. I LOVE it.

    It's nice to read your opinions. And I happen to agree whole heartly with you on everything you shared! Cool to know other people think as I do and as 'niavely'.
