Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's been a while

I haven't posted a scrapbook page in a while. Trust me, I've been busy! I took some time this evening to do a page. I chose to do Leah's birthday. Now I'm only one birthday behind for the year (and not even thinking of the years before this one).
We've actually had some good weather lately. Some things are melting. Slowly.
We drove to visit Chad's parents' house for an impromtu visit yesterday. While we were there, they asked if we went to the worldwide training meeting. YIKES! We'd forgotten all about it! So we packed up the kids really fast (I can't believe we didn't accidentally leave one behind) and high-tailed it back home. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive...which was how long we had until the last broadcast began. I was the one we decided would go while Chad got the 4 oldest kids to bed.
After changing clothes and rushing to the church, I was less than 15 minutes late! Joseph was not happy to find himself in the chapel, and made me leave twice to change his diaper. It was a good meeting though and I'm glad I was the one to attend.
There isn't any snow forecast for the next couple of days, so I'm hoping that snow days will not take us by surprise for a while. I love my boys. I love when they go to school.


  1. What a stinkin' cute page, Arlyn. I love it! It makes it fun when you have cute kids to boot. ;)

    We missed the broadcast {I'm looking forward to the transripts} because ALL 5---yes ALL 5--- of our children have Strep. ArGGGG! I can't believe it, what a deal we were handed this weekend!

    I heard it was a wonderful broadcast. A friend touched on some of the highlights for me. I'm impressed you went back home to get to the broadcast. A lot of people wouldn't of been that dedicated. YOU GO, Girl!

  2. You are crazy! I am glad you made it back in time. I am also glad you had good roads for once this month! My Driveway Is CLEAN! I am so glad that I was sure the kids were going to school today, I didnt have to check the weather first!
