Thursday, February 07, 2008

I love it!

Rebekah wanted to earn a marble. So she found some toys that needed to be cleaned up and went to work. I was so proud of her! She does that sometimes...just randomly cleans something up (that her OLDER siblings carelessly left out!). She got a marble.


  1. Hello up there in cold Idaho! I was browsing blogs trying to find some gals I have things in common with...and I found you. :) Feels like I'm stalking you huh?! Not really...but it feels that way I know. hehe

    I am a mom of 5, {4 boys - 1 girl. Ages 10, 8, 7, 5 and 2} I'm LDS, I'm trying out Digi Scrapping and I love paper scrapping. I just teamed up with a friend and entered something fun: The Amazing Digi Scrapping Race that kicks off on Feb. 22nd. It should be interesting and I'm a little nervous.

    Oh- my name is Autumn and I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm 32 and have been married for nearly 14 years. I used to live in Washington state near Spokane and lived in Rexburg while my mom went to college then I headed back there for college myself. I know those blistery winter days. My hubby and I hate the we moved to Phoenix!

    So come check me out... I don't bite. teehee

  2. Yay for Rebekah!! I need to figure out Megan's 'currency'. She's impossible to get to do stuff.

  3. I am so proud of her! Maybe marbles will work better for Kailtyn than actual money!
