Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt #1

The kids were invited to an Easter Egg Hunt at a friend's house this year. They held it on the Friday before Easter. The weather around here has been...unreliable - to say it nicely. But this day was a break in the storm. The sun came out. Unfortunately, the temps didn't really come up. Ahh...Spring in Eastern Idaho!

Chad followed the older kids,

and I followed the younger kids. Sarah quickly got the point.

Joseph was on fire and ready to fill his basket!
Nathan was a very serious contender.

Joseph used his small arms to reach into tight places.

We were very thorough and looked everywhere we could think to look.


But like I said, it was cold. And the wind rarely quits around here. Sarah got a little too cold for her liking!

And now the kids were primed and ready for their own Easter Egg Hunt!

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