Thursday, April 22, 2010


I guess I have a lot on my mind lately; I'm having a hard time focusing.

It could be from the lack of sleep, due to Sarah's killer cough that keeps her and her parents awake at offensive hours of the night.

It could be from having a messy house. Though that has been better the past month since starting a cleaning reward system.

It could be from feeling guilty over things that I shouldn't feel guilty about but do anyway. (I forgot to make a phone call for the RS Pres. last night and still felt like I'd broken the law several hours later.)

It could be from the little thoughts nagging at me all day; That was a stupid thing to do. * You probably offended that person. * So-and-so doesn't like you. * What will a law suit really do to our little family? * Your kids need you to be a better mother. * That basket of laundry has been sitting there for 12 days. It's really not going to put itself away. * You're being too proud. * You're not a good sister. * You're FAT. * You're so tired. Too bad you can't have a nap! * Don't be so sharp with your kids; they're just curious.

UGH. The list could go on forever.

So what even started this negative lament? I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and grabbed toilet paper to blow my nose instead. I didn't even have a runny/stuffy nose! At least I woke up before I put it to my face. Instead, I folded it up and set it aside. I'll use it when I go to the bathroom next.

And the only reason I have time to write is that Sarah is down for a nap and it's my shower opportunity. Unfortunately, I forgot to run a batch of very important laundry last night and it's still in the dryer.


Just missed my shower opportunity. The dryer buzzed, I got what I needed, and Sarah woke up. So now Leah is getting on the bus, lunch is in 15 minutes and I'm still in my pj's. It's not Monday, is it?

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