That worried me for a little bit: how could I dress up 4 kids? Most people would think a towel around the head or a robe would work. Unfortunately, we are a very FUN family and don't have the kind of robes that Jesus would have ever worn...rubber duckies anyone? And I know my children well enough that they might get out of the van with a towel tied to their head, but they wouldn't leave it on for more than 10 minutes.
As it turned out, my OCD for fabric collecting paid off. I used a flat twin sheet for the younger three and another large piece of "linen-y" fabric for Daniel. The ties were long scraps.
And Voila! Daniel doesn't look too thrilled with the idea. He's too young to be feeling too grown up for this kind of thing! And he sure DIDN'T want to take his scriptures along. But he lived. And he wore the costume for quite a while after he got did Leah.
It appears we are also ready to play angels in the next Christmas pageant. We'll just get some gold pipe cleaner halos and red or gold or blue sashes. (What color are angel clothes? Does anyone REALLY know?)
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