Monday, October 30, 2006

Patience is a virtue

I have been trying to post some pictures today, but Blogger seems to be feeling a little down. You'll get that post, complete with costumes and pumpkin carving when I can load my pictures. Until then, you'll have to be patient!

An interesting package came in the mail today; we got two cans of Enfamil formula. It was addressed to Chad. Ironically, Chad's taste buds have really matured in the past couple of years and he really doesn't care for formula anymore! We're not really sure how we got on that mailing list. I haven't been in an OB's office in over a year. Rebekah has been drinking cow's milk for two months now.

I went visiting teaching this morning. I have a quiet companion. I worry that part of the reason she's quiet is because I talk so much. She was my visiting teacher before we were paired, so I don't think I'm entirely to blame - based on what I observed. We visit a woman who has been to church about 4 times since I started visiting her two years ago. I like to visit her and get to know her, but she can be very negative about many things. I always hope that I can say just the right stuff. I don't think I'm going to be the glorious reason she comes back to church. I just hope I don't say anything that gives her more reason not to! It's like walking a tight rope! Our other two women are next door neighbors and very active. With them, I hope to at least add to the conversation and spirit of the visit.

My visiting teachers are MIA. They are the kind that suddenly care so much about you about 5 minutes after they find out you're on their route. The last time they came (in August), they husband-bashed (mildly) while I just sat and listened. I didn't really have that much to contribute - Chad is hard to complain about! (I'm not just saying that because he reads this.)

Our home teachers are even worse. They don't pretend to suddenly care. It's hard to know if they even recognize us on Sundays. To be fair, one of them is at least realistic and friendly when he comes. He just doesn't come very often.

I had the best visiting teacher in college. She would leave notes and treats on days that I had a big test or project. I knew she cared. Honestly, I don't remember much about the home teachers I had. I was just focused on the fact that there were guys sitting in our living room! :)

When Leah takes an afternoon nap, she sleeps in one of the boys' beds, declining an opportunity to share a room with Rebekah. Last week, as she was getting ready to take her nap, she said to me, "Little girls sleep in the girls' room and big girls sleep in the boys' room." OH! I had a mild seizure as I worried about our future! I'm hoping she doesn't adopt this philosophy later in her youth!

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