Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Mary Poppins, where are you?

I am sick but have 5 children to care for. I need an awesome nanny like Mary Poppins to come care for the darlings while I sleep the day away. And if you have to give them a teaspoon of sugar to get them to clean up around here, I won't bat an eye.

Please come soon. I am not being a very good mother. I hadn't even seen my boys until I called them for lunch at a quarter to noon! Now that they've gone downstairs to the great square babysitter, I'll probably not see them again before 3.

Don't bother ringing the doorbell. I'm still in my pajamas and don't want to be answering the door. (The mail lady will already need therapy today.)

I only need you until a little after 5 when my very capable, over-worked and under-thanked husband comes home.


  1. You are tooo funny. I wish I wanted to get sick and come and help you out. But I know better than that. Just sleep the day away.

  2. I hope you get feeling better soon. It's rotten to feeling sick and having to take care of kids. :(

  3. so sorry- so sorry- wish I could be there to mary poppins for you!Except i don't think she brought 3 rambunctious boys in tow- maybe i'd be better as ghostbusters or something like that

  4. "Just a spoon full of benadryl helps the kiddies to sleep...the kiddies to sleep..the kiddies to sleep" heh heh That's nice that the square babysitter can keep them occupied and out of your hair for that long. Nice!

  5. Oh, I hope you feel better soon!

    Don't we all want Mary Poppins to pop in and help with the children and tidy up! Next time I make a wish on a falling sat I know what I'm wishing for...

    Hang in there...I know how you feel...and it really sucks!

  6. falling STAR is what I meant to type above... ooops!
