Friday, June 06, 2008

Happy Birthday, CHAD!!

Did you think I forgot? Not even close! I just have to work around some extra sick kids, rain and your early departure time.

Thank you for EVERYTHING you do. You make so many dads and husbands look bad by the simple things to do without even stopping to think if they're things you should do. Thank you for changing diapers, doing dishes, folding laundry (and putting it away), making dinner, putting kids to bed, picking up clutter, giving baths, getting kids up and going in the morning, taking out the garbage, catching spiders, turning out the lights, disposing of dead animals, staying home with the family (instead of hanging out with friends...which you certainly deserve and should do), taking the kids camping (even if it is only to the backyard), giving me a back rub every night until you fall asleep (it was an enjoyable 10 seconds last night!), letting me drive on road trips, letting me get away to visit Kristi, reading the kids stories, honoring your priesthood and setting a good example for the kids!

I'm sure there's more, but the whole world is reading this and I don't want to embarrass you (too much)!

So Happy Birthday! Thirty-five! I can remember when you were only 30! ;)

I love you!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAD! I hope you enjoy every bit of if. I am glad that you are an involved dad. We need more of you in this world. WOW 35!

  2. Happy Birthday Chad! Welcome to the old farts club. :)
