Tuesday, May 24, 2011

End of Year shirts

We made shirts to wear at the end of the school year. I cut stencils out of freezer paper for the letters and cut fabric for the numbers. The kids helped with the painting. Joseph wasn't about to be left out, so he got a dump truck. :)

Today is the last full day of school, so we put the shirts on. (Tomorrow's school day is 1 1/2 hours. I can't even begin to understand how they justify the bussing cost for that.) Sarah didn't get a shirt and she is innocent enough to not notice.

And now some random pictures.

Chad snapped this one last night. This is Joseph. That is Sarah's crib (you can see her hand sticking out and her right leg.) I'm getting a wicked witch of the east vibe here.

Sarah snapped this one this morning. She accidentally turned the camera on and snapped a picture...all on the run. She has quite a perspective from way down there!

1 comment:

  1. Those are cool shirts. Are you going to make one that says "I survived 6 children surviving etc"? ;)
