Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Organized and confused

I reorganized my kitchen cupboards today. I have 5 individual above-counter cupboards. (OK, there are 7, but I don't really count the ones above the fridge and microwave/stove.)

We have lived here 2 1/2 years. When we moved in, I was over 8 months pregnant. I didn't put a lot of effort into planning out the kitchen...I just wanted to put stuff away.

I have been complaining about not being able to reach the cupboard with the dishes when the dishwasher is open. I've even said that when (if) we build, the dishwasher would NOT go under the cupboard where the dishes are. Huh...I never thought to move the dishes.

And then I started thinking about the rest of the cupboards. Why is the cupboard with the cereal the very farthest away? And the closest cupboard is the one I open the least.

So I rearranged everything. I threw a few things out and wiped down all the shelves. And even though the cupboards are shut, hiding all contents, I still feel better walking into the kitchen.

Now I get to be confused for the next several months while I try to remember that the plates are where the baby food used to be, the cereal is where the spice carousel used to spin and the jello is tucked into the corner that used to hold the baking cocoa. Good thing I didn't have to change the bottom cupboards and drawers!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the confusion that comes with trying to remember you new storage. What amazes me when I make similar improvements around the house, is why I took so long to figure it out. Sometimes it had taken me months before I became inspired by the muse's advise: A place for everything and everything in its place.
