Thursday, February 25, 2010


I complimented Daniel on his singing talent tonight. He really does have a nice voice and ability to stay on tune. It surprised me the first time I realized this. It's not a quality you expect to find in a young boy (unless he's a member of the Vienna Boys' Choir).

But I didn't compliment Daniel just to compliment him. (I'm normally not that nice.) Rather, I was trying to discourage him from singing the unpleasant version of "We Will Rock You" - or whatever the title of that song is - that he learned at school. I was hoping to redirect his energy and skills into more worthy uses. What I did was create a monster.

After the compliment was delivered (and it's not the first time I've told him that), he broke out into continuous song. Random songs. Some of them were made up on the spot. Ironically, the moment I tell him he has a good voice and carries a tune well, his singing worsens.

I wonder if we're all a little like that? As soon as we lose our humility, our talents and abilities suffer. After all, no one likes a show-off, right?

Anyway, the singing continued into our nightly scripture reading. It was a very dramatic rendition of Helaman chapter 9, verse 39. A little annoying, but I'm trying to remember that I will miss these moments when he's grown. (That's true, right? I'm counting on that being true.) And then comes the song before prayer. It was Nathan's turn to pick the song. Predictably, he chose Our Primary Colors.

And what does Daniel do with his talented voice during the bona fide singing moment of the evening? He turns it off. Daniel pretended to pound out the song on the invisible keyboard apparently mounted on the gas fireplace, but only mouthed the words to the song. Incredible. All that obnoxious singing and he's finally quiet just when he would be an asset to the moment. Boys. Sheesh.

He's probably singing in bed right now. My apologies to Nathan - hope you can still get some sleep!