Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I just want to be popular, don't I?

While I don't blog just for the recognition, I've learned that can be a pretty nice perk. The whole thing started out as a way to keep distant family members in touch with our goings and comings. Eventually, friends near and far started reading and then I picked up a few new friends that only know me through my writing. (I know there are some regulars out there that have never made themselves known.)

So while this adventure started out as a quiet and personal outlet, it grew and I actually liked it. Then, as time went by and I browsed other blogs, I began to feel like the last kid picked for a team during gym class. All these other "Mommy bloggers" had TONS of people following them. I wanted to be liked, too! What was once great was no longer good enough.

Luckily, I kept thinking about it (OK...I was dwelling on it...I'm pathetic), and I realized that I didn't really want the pressure of entertaining the masses. I don't have any great wisdom to share and my stories of poopy diapers or burned bread don't have great appeal. I have been fortunate enough to be spared from any great tragedies that would turn me into an inspirational example for anyone. My kids are normal and just as frustrating as the kids down the street (this is NOT referring to anyone that's REALLY down the street) - who really cares about that? Does anyone really want to know that Daniel was grounded yesterday because the scripture quad falling on Sarah's little head was the last straw? (Too bad if you didn't.)

I also thought of the possibility of someone recognizing me in the store; that was a little unsettling. I'm usually at my worst when I'm shopping and figure that would be a bad place to meet any kind of "fan." Then again, I don't know if that hasn't happened already because I know there are some local readers (who think I don't know they're reading - yes, I see you!). Oh well, I hope they weren't too disappointed.

So, even though I don't have thousands of people following my daily trials and tribulations, success and triumphs, I do have the occasional, "I read your blog" or "You are so funny" said in the halls at church or over the phone. That's good enough for me. Those are the people I know and love (not to mention they already know I'm not perfect)!


  1. I have had the same feelings about my blog. I really dont think anyone reads it. Why should I continue for just me. I should just blog privately on my own comuter and not online. But I love reading your blog!!!

  2. A few months ago, I decided that I was spending FAR too much time reading all of my favorite blogs, so I DELETED about 90% of them from my blog reader.

    Yours, my dear, did not get deleted. How's that for warm fuzzies? And I don't even know you. :-)

  3. Kristy - You're right, I should comment more on your blog. I do read every post!

    Brooke - That WAS a warm fuzzy! I'm glad I didn't get deleted. You're part of my blog reader, too. :)
