Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's over, again.

Today is Valentine's Day, for the 14th time this year. Do you know what that looks like? It looks a little like this:

OK, it's not that bad. But that's what the web of love was looking like this morning. I put it out of its misery this evening. This is what the garage looks like. Those hearts have been up there since Friday and are getting a little faded. I'm not even sure how that's possible, since we've hardly seen any sun. Those will need to come down tomorrow. It sounds like a really good job for Daniel.

We had a Valentine's Day dinner tonight. I was trying to decide on what to eat that was red. I was down to spaghetti or red pancakes. We settled on leftovers since we had so many in the fridge. But we did get pink milk!

I set the table with heart plates and paper cups. I put a box of conversation hearts on each of the kids' plates with a clue inside that led them to a new set of sheets. Now I have a whole pile of sheets waiting to be washed. I'm not sure I thought that one through!

And then there was the cake. Looks good enough to eat, doesn't it? We devoured half of it tonight. Rebekah has the FHE treat tomorrow. She's agreed to pick the 2nd half of the cake for that. It would be really wise to get it away from me. It's funny, I have no problem leaving the celery alone in the fridge, but cakes and cookies always get matter where I hide them!

Valentine's Day gets a little commercialized, but I think it's a great motivator to show the people in our lives that we care. I love my family, near and far...even the ones who won't believe it. I guess that just makes it that more important. Right?

So happy Valentine's Day to all of you. I hope it was a good day for you and your families.

Enjoy this video of lots of love!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, did I somehow miss the big REVEAL on what your hubby's Hershey Kisses spelled out?
