Sunday, May 03, 2009

Who's Counting?

I am! Joseph has one more week in Relief Society before he's legally old enough for Nursery. I have been taking him in there to play for the last 7 weeks or so - just for the Sunday School hour. But I sit in there with him since he's not quite 18 months. I have just about had my fill of getting my hands full of toys that 30 other little kids have been chewing and sucking on. Joseph likes to load me up then walk away.

Sometimes I get to stay in Relief Society if Joseph can find enough to entertain himself. Last week it was a little toy horse that one of the great-grandmas handed to him. He went from woman to woman (and then back again) bouncing that horse on their knees. It was very cute and got us chuckling, but not very kind to the teacher.

Today, I wasn't sure we were going to get to stay as Joseph was pretty cranky. While he wandering around the room getting smiles from the grandmas, one of them pulled out a small ball of blue yarn. Genius! What a great toy!

Joseph found all sorts of things to do with that yarn and before long he looked like he'd escaped from a giant blue spider. He had several feet of yarn, looped several times, trailing behind him and was wrapped in 3 or 4 rounds of string - all the while trying to pick up the ball in front of him by pulling the string, therefore making a bigger tangle. It was very funny. I had tears in my eyes from trying not to laugh. Several of the women were bouncing softly in their seats in silent laughter.

Eventually, I had to untangle him. That meant I had to take the ball of yarn and he wasn't happy about that. While he was writhing in frustration on the floor, another g-ma (the RS Pres.) threw a package of fruit snacks at him. Instant change of attitude! We survived the rest of the hour slowly eating those.

It's a little sad to think we only have one more week of the fun. But also a BIG relief! It's getting harder for me to bend over.

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