Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Family Home Evening

Note: This is religious-themed post. If that will offend you or cause you to think that I am preaching to you, QUICKLY exit this page and whatever you do, DO NOT click on the comments link.

A few weeks ago, we had a sacrament meeting specifically focused on Joseph Smith and the Restoration. They concluded the meeting by saying the Stake Presidency had requested each family to have a FHE on the topic within the next few weeks. We finally got around to it this week.

It was Rebekah's turn for the lesson, so she essentially held the pictures while everyone talked around her. There wasn't anything special about the lesson; it was just your standard retelling of the First Vision. Joseph did try playing the piano through much of it. Maybe that's something to really make it stand out.

Anyway, at the end of the lesson, Chad gave each of the kids a paper to draw their version of the First Vision. I promised them I would "put them on the computer." So here we go! I apologize for any hard-to-see shots. The scanner doesn't care what I actually want to do with the pictures.

This is Joseph's. I think this is from that night. I don't see any other pictures that he could have done. It appears that he didn't work completely alone.

Here is Rebekah's picture. She has mentioned (several times) that it is a picture of her (left) and Joseph Smith (right). You can see that she is really good at likening the scriptures to herself, because I'm pretty sure she never actually met him.

Leah worked very hard on hers. Here is Joseph by a tree. One tree equals the entire grove.

Nathan's is very colorful (as usual). And as usual, Nathan didn't actually do the assignment. This is a picture of Joseph retrieving the gold plates. It's still part of the Restoration. Right? ;)

And we end with Daniel's. He is really a pencil man. The strawberry shortcake really cut into his coloring time. You can see he understood what the picture was to represent. Notice that every one of his trees has a single knot or hole on it? :)

Family Home Evenings are looked forward to in this the kids. I admit, I would be relieved to skip some. But they usually do end up with good results and it's a fun, but informal way to teach some of our values and beliefs to the kids. I look forward to the day when they actually do TEACH their own lessons and prove to me that it has all been worth it.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea with the pictures!!! That would really be fun for my kids... I'll have to give it a try.
