Friday, May 08, 2009

This is what happens...

When you try to get a picture of Chad with his eyes open. It's very difficult. We have to tell photographers ahead of time that it will be a challenge.

When Rebekah decides it's time to change the toilet paper roll. She's very proud of the fact that she can. And now I have little partial rolls around the house for blowing noses.

When you leave the eggs in Joseph's reach. He learned at Easter time that you can crack eggs. Too bad the chickens won't lay hard-boiled eggs. It would be easier for all of us.

When you take the eggs away from Joseph.

When the big boys decide to have their own Pinewood Derby. Chad created a mini van. We aren't expecting it to win much of anything. We'll let you know how it does at the derby tonight. :)


  1. That mini van is too funny!!! I love it!

  2. I Love the VAN! How did he do? Mike thought I had some boiled eggs in the fridge the other day. OOPS they were fresh! Its like taking photo's of David, he is a squinter!
