Friday, May 01, 2009

Happy 10th!

It's our 10-year anniversary today!

We were married on the only dry day in a string of rainy ones, in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. The tulips were blooming (my favorite flower).

I felt like an old maid at 25 years old in Mormon-ville. I had dated quite a few people and was despairing that I would ever find one I was willing to change my name for! (I had some "good ones" in High School, but the ones after my mission were not only disappointing, some of them were down-right frightening!)

Chad and I officially met 15 December 1998. Our first date was to Applebee's. It took us long enough though...we had been in the same ward at BYU! That's when my youthful looks worked against me because Chad thought I was only 18 (too young for him) when I was really home from my mission almost a year!

We dated for a few months and were engaged 15 February 1999. Nearly two months later we were moving into our first apartment in Las Vegas and soon the family was growing. Now, 10 years later, we're waiting for baby #6, we're in our 5th home and the future is bright.

I know life isn't perfect, nor the people in it, but I came pretty darn close to it in Chad. He's a hard-working, honest, dependable man. He's an AWESOME daddy. He's a sensitive and "equally-yoked" husband. And he's our Forever.

Happy Anniversary, Chad! (Ten more years from now we can go out without finding a babysitter!) I love you.

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