Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mum Mum - Give me gum gum

Joseph has a new addiction. Gum. He keeps toting the stool from the bathroom to the drawer in the kitchen where the gum is. I've had to dig two pieces of gum from his mouth today. But the bad part of it is that I don't know if he's gotten more than that. So of course he's only getting the best taste of each piece. That's probably part of what is driving his addiction.

I have a sweet tooth. The gums I choose are fruit flavored ones. No wintergreen for this girl! Ironically, the kids chew more gum than I ever would. Leah especially likes it, though I try to keep it under one per day, on average.

The family rule is that you can't even have gum until you're 5. Rebekah is patiently waiting for her day to chew. It's a little harder to explain to Joseph. But at least it's Trident. Four out of five dentists recommend it. I wonder what the pediatricians and gastroenterologists say?

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