Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Easter Events

Easter is at least a 3 day event for us. This year we started with egg coloring on Thursday night. Rebekah couldn't remember coloring eggs last year, so it was all new and exciting for her. Everyone got into the fun and before we knew it, all 35 eggs were colored.

Leah likes to combine her holidays. She's got her Halloween shirt on here.

Joseph is coloring his only egg here. He did try for the easier way to get that egg out. Yes, his hand was orange.

Nathan used the most concentration decorating his eggs.

Daniel probably used the least. He did end up with a green thumb...that should help in the garden next month.

Rebekah was surprisingly deft with the little wire. She really only cracked one egg and it was the first time she picked one up.

This picture says it all. They had messy hands for a few days.

Our egg hunt was on Saturday. Here are the baskets all ready for the kids. You can see some of the "hidden" eggs on the back of the couch.

The butterfly nets were a big hit. They were only $1.25 at the grocery store. Best news? We haven't broken one yet!

The bubbles were pretty exciting, too. Look closely and you'll be able to see some. Poor Joseph was wistfully watching the fun. Like our vibrant-green grass? Spring is reluctantly coming to our corner of the world.

The best part of the day was the actual egg hunt! With 35 real eggs and at least that many candy-filled plastic ones, everyone had plenty of chances to find an egg.

It looks like Nathan is sliding into home to get this egg.

Daniel helped Joseph find some eggs. Actually, Joseph didn't have any trouble finding the eggs, he just didn't know what to do with them next.

And here is our Easter dress picture right before church. This is one of the reasons we made it to our bench just as the meeting was getting started. You'll notice Leah's pleasant expression. She doesn't like wearing tights. (Actually, she doesn't like wearing much of any of her clothes, but that's a different post all of its own.) You may notice that Daniel doesn't have shoes on. He still doesn't know where they are. The boys have matching ties, excluding Joseph.

And that's our Easter story in pictures. On Sunday, we had a ham dinner. Chad made it and it was very yummy. Next we had FHE on the Easter story - complete with 12 plastic eggs, each filled with a scripture and something to do with the story. We watched "The Lamb of God" and then ate a bunny cake I'd picked up at the store.

Everything is now put away and there is only a handful of that blasted plastic grass floating around the house. I really like holidays, but I'm so thankful when they're over. The kids really like holidays, too. They just wish they'd last more than one day. (Rebekah was convinced that today was Easter, too.)

And here's a little proof that the Easter Bunny really did come to our house!

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