Monday, April 27, 2009


I can't remember where I was, but I was recently talking about Primary songs with some friends. More specifically, we were talking about how they change the lyrics to the songs so that all of a sudden, we're singing the wrong words that used to be right. Not many people over the age of 35 feel quite right singing "Family History" instead of "Genealogy."

And the topic came up again last week while we were visiting Chad's mom. The topic was the song, "Popcorn Popping." How many of you familiar with this song know that the lyrics say, "It wasn't really so, but it seemed to be" and NOT, "...but it seemed to me?" This song is sung incorrectly in so many wards, branches and family living rooms that it almost seems that they should rewrite the song. I can't remember a time when it really did say 'me.'

So tonight, we were singing the song, "Quickly I'll Obey." (Can you even guess what the lesson was about? And, oh, how badly we're needing this idea to take hold in our family.) The words USED to be, "For Mother(Father) knows just what is best" but they've been changed to "I want to do just what is best." So why the change? Did the leadership decide that the parents are exhibiting behaviors that prove they really DON'T know what is best? Or is it that some parents were using this as license to be extra bossy with their children?

I'm not sure what happened. I'm not sure I don't feel a little rebuked as a parent. The song has taken away some of my confidence to be a good parent. I'm not even sure I can lift up my voice and sing now...I'm a little depressed. (Besides, I'd probably sing the words wrong anyway.)


  1. I so feel the same way! I cant change it in my mind! I always sing geneology, But I do sing be in popcorn popping. I have a hard time wiht that one too. My kids are always singing the wrong words.

  2. I totally agree! My biggest frustration is that, in our ward, we are not allowed to do the movements to "Book of Mormon Stories." They say that the 2 fingers behind the head (to look like feathers when you sing "Are about the Lamanites in ancient history) are offensive to native Americans. ???

  3. Brooke...that is so silly. I've seen the "native Americans" on PBS...there are lots of feathers behind their heads! Maybe that's the should have more than two fingers up!

  4. I'm a councelor in primary right now and find myself singing the old version of songs and the kids look at me like I don't what I'm doing :)
