Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Neglected Children

While I was outside shoveling the snow off the sidewalk and driveway (so glad we finally got some), Joseph(4) and Sarah(2) were left alone inside. I knew Sarah needed to be dressed, but PBS was doing such a good job keeping them busy, that I decided to let it wait until I came back inside.

I have such helpful children. It doesn't hurt that Sarah is so fun to take care of, either. So when I got back in the house, Joseph mentioned he was having trouble getting Sarah to let him put her shirt on. BUT, he did told me, he was able to change her diaper! And before I was able to put my boots away and hang up my coat, Sarah had pulled her own shirt over her head.

Here are the triumphant children. The shirt is on right (she got lucky, think), the diaper is on backwards. However, I think it would have still served its purpose. Good job, you two!

I'm just glad you didn't decide to start cooking while I was outside!


  1. They both do have a "triumphant" gleam in their eyes, but also their eyes seem to be ask, "How about the drum roll and applause?"
