Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas PJ pictures

I got the pajamas done at a respectable time before Christmas this time. That was a lot of sewing. I like seeing the pictures after I get them loaded on the computer, to see what I missed the first time. I almost titled this post, "Bully Christmas." If you look closely at Sarah's smile in most of these pictures, you'll understand why!

Here are 4 at once, just to keep the amount of pictures to a dull roar.

Daniel won't let me get a normal picture.
Ah...that's more like it! ;)

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. What are we going to do with you?

Sarah had finally had enough "smiling" and tried to retreat under the couch. Too bad she has brothers.

Since we have enough kids, let's make a pyramid!

Sarah really looks up to Joseph.

All together, now! Who's in?

And before all of us are done, someone has had enough. Maybe we can coax one more picture out of him.

Or maybe not.

Merry Christmas to all; and to all, a GOOD NIGHT!


  1. I am SOOOO jealous! I WISH I knew how to sew so that I could make matching Christmas pjs for my kids. Those pictures are awesome.

  2. I love the pajamas, and the pictures are so worth it!
